Women keep saying how the last month of pregnancy is so hard. Well, I'm gonna go ahead and agree with them even though my last month has barely begun. I also want to apologize in advance to my husband, friends, parents and unsuspecting sales people. I'm not exactly the most chipper person on the block and I'm noticing my patience is at an all time low. I can't say I blame my body for being so crabby. I guess really I owe it the biggest apology. "Sleeping" on the couch, carrying all this extra weight, enlarged organs the size of a basketball, bathroom breaks every hour 24/7, out of breath from talking and not to mention a billion hormones pumping through it constantly..that's rough. I get it and I promise I won't do this to you for too much longer. However, please please don't take your frustrations out on others. I'm gonna need these people after the baby gets here.
So to the following people, please accept my apology in advance:
Hal: Thank you for being supportive, understanding and loving. You think I've been emotional but Im guessing it's gonna get worse before it gets better. If I start crying or decide to be rude, mean and a bit loco don't try and find an underlying meaning. Just know its pregnancy and more than likely nothing you say will be a solution so it's best to just "hug it out." unless I'm mad- then I would go the chocolate covered strawberries route.
Mom:I'm sorry in advance if I snap at you, tell you something you're doing wrong, or act short. It's not you- it's me..so ignore it and don't take it personally. You're te best mom a gal could ask for and there is no way I could do this without you. (No matter what my attitude may think at a particular moment.)
To the sales lady at the children's store: if I tell you I want an outfit now, please do not tell me to wait. I've waited 9 months to find out the sex of this kid and waiting until after its born and sending my husband to your store to pick out the "coming home outfit" seemed like an aweful idea to me. However, you trying to help should not have made me want to crawl over the table in smack you silly. I'm just glad I didn't act on my temptation.
To the lady who stopped at the stop sign too long: I'm sorry for yelling at you but there is no need to sit there for a full minute. I'm glad my window was up and you did not see my small temper tantrum.
This is the story of my journey to motherhood. My hubby, Hal and I found out we were pregnant May 17th, 2011. Life hasnt been the same since (in a great way). I can't wait to meet little Pop Kern on January 22, 2012.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Vampire Diaries..
For the last few weeks I have been sleeping in what I call, the modified vampire pose. Not standing but pretty much sitting straight up. The baby seems to think it is fun to make a game against my esophagus and anything I have consumed 3 hours prior to sleeping. Even trying to lay down is off limits unless I want to start choking and coughing, immediately. This makes for quite a rough bed time. My typical night goes as following: 10PM: Lay down in modified vampire, pray I don't have heart burn and choking spells, toss and turn while trying to get comfy and get mad that Hal is already soundly asleep. 11:30PM: Bathroom break (I know, right?!..after only vampiring for an hour or so.. believe me, its really annoying). 1:30AM: Bathroom break number 2. A bit of insomnia, rearranging pillows and sometimes a glass of chocolate milk. After that I usually sleep pretty well. 6:30AM: Hal's alarm goes off. I stay in bed. 7:30AM: Up to make cereal and coffee and send my hubby off to work. One would think this would be a great time to go back to sleep right? Husband is gone, house is quiet.. Um, not so much. Even if I didn't have a list a mile long of things I want to do, the baby is ready to play his/her favorite game against my esophagus. Laying down is completely out of the question for the next few hours. This new vampire pose does make me want to bite people's head off sometimes (figuratively speaking, of course) but for the most part I think I am adjusting quite well to this new trend of not sleeping. I think it is God's way of preparing me for January...that or this baby is really into the Twilight Saga..
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Important topics of discussion:
Heart Burn: It has started..and not stopped. It's been rather heated around here for 3 days or so. I thought I would beat the system by writing down foods that triggered it. I quickly stopped my useless writing because, well, EVERYTHING triggers it! I'm hoping this means our little kernel is going to come out with a head full of hair, unlike me who had peach fuzz until I was 2 years old.
Bathroom Breaks: I have touched on this point before but now I REALLY know what I'm talking about. (and I'm sure in a few more months I will rant about it again). Earlier in pregnancy I THOUGHT I used the restroom a lot. oh no, no, no..now its every hour on the hour and 3 times a night. What can possibly be going on in there that a pound and a half baby can make me have to visit the loo so frequently?
Sleep..what's that? Between my back and stomach muscle aches, potty breaks, too many pillows- no wait- not enough pillows, hot-now cold-now hot, Hayden barking b/c I've knocked him off the bed, Hal tossing and turning b/c I've woke him up in my attempt to get comfy..no wonder I wake up more tired then when I started. At night, I've started dreading going to bed b/c I know that more than likely, I wont like the outcome. The pharmacist told me it's because all the extra blood pumping in my body. I think it's God's way of getting back at me for all the times I fought my parents on going to bed as a child.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
For kicks and giggles (and my baby notes)
17 weeks 3 days:
As we lay down to sleep last night, I had my hand laying on my stomach, like I do every night, in hopes of feeling PK jump around. I was having trouble getting comfortable but had finally found a spot. A few moments later I felt something-a BIG something-TWICE!! It was Baby Kern! I just felt Pop Kern kick my hand- twice! They were pretty big kicks for such a little kernel. It was no mistake what I just felt. I think I scared Hal when I yelled with excitement "Baby! I felt the baby kick, give me your hand!" A few minutes later, Hal, with his hand frozen on my tummy shouts "Did you feel that?! That's amazing!" he felt Baby Kern kick too! After that, it was impossible for me to fall asleep.
Baby notes. These are more just things I want to remember but dont have a great pen and paper pregnancy journal..most wont find any benifit from reading this.
Aug 12 2011 dr. Appt:
Heartbeat 156-158 very string.
Aug 14: bought first pair of maternity jeans and leggings.
12 weeks: nausea went away
13 weeks: energy level increases
13 weeks started getting small baby pump. By 16 weeks it was much more noticeable.
15 weeks: no longer able to wear my shorts
16 weeks 1 day: felt baby kick for first time. Felt like waves, tiny waves
17 weeks: STILL craving carbs, especially potatoes and now sweets. Really wanted cheesecake (for like 3 weeks now) but yet to give in. Instead I've just been going to Taste Yogurt 2x a week!
As of 16w5d I've gained 4lbs. The first trimester I lost 2 lbs because I so nauseous.
Had a hard time adjusting to sleeping on my side. I gravitate to my back and wake up every morning on my back.
-16 weeks I've noticed if I didn't eat a substantial dinner then I woke up in middle of night either starving or sick to my stomach.
As we lay down to sleep last night, I had my hand laying on my stomach, like I do every night, in hopes of feeling PK jump around. I was having trouble getting comfortable but had finally found a spot. A few moments later I felt something-a BIG something-TWICE!! It was Baby Kern! I just felt Pop Kern kick my hand- twice! They were pretty big kicks for such a little kernel. It was no mistake what I just felt. I think I scared Hal when I yelled with excitement "Baby! I felt the baby kick, give me your hand!" A few minutes later, Hal, with his hand frozen on my tummy shouts "Did you feel that?! That's amazing!" he felt Baby Kern kick too! After that, it was impossible for me to fall asleep.
Baby notes. These are more just things I want to remember but dont have a great pen and paper pregnancy journal..most wont find any benifit from reading this.
Aug 12 2011 dr. Appt:
Heartbeat 156-158 very string.
Aug 14: bought first pair of maternity jeans and leggings.
12 weeks: nausea went away
13 weeks: energy level increases
13 weeks started getting small baby pump. By 16 weeks it was much more noticeable.
15 weeks: no longer able to wear my shorts
16 weeks 1 day: felt baby kick for first time. Felt like waves, tiny waves
17 weeks: STILL craving carbs, especially potatoes and now sweets. Really wanted cheesecake (for like 3 weeks now) but yet to give in. Instead I've just been going to Taste Yogurt 2x a week!
As of 16w5d I've gained 4lbs. The first trimester I lost 2 lbs because I so nauseous.
Had a hard time adjusting to sleeping on my side. I gravitate to my back and wake up every morning on my back.
-16 weeks I've noticed if I didn't eat a substantial dinner then I woke up in middle of night either starving or sick to my stomach.
Monday, July 25, 2011
28 going on 82
We officially set into our second trimester YESTERDAY! (July 24, 2012). I am happy to report that the nausea and huge aversion to almost any and all food has been gone for a week or so. And I am super thrilled to have my energy level back (even though I did nap twice last week). We had our 12 week appointment and little Pop Kern was doing somersaults on the big screen. PK also had a strong heart beat of 165bmp, measured 2.5 inches long and weighing in at an ounce.
Now, let's talk about what happening now that I am in the second trimester. In the books there is all this talk about energy levels on the rise and you will be going, going, going just like your pre-pregnancy days. What they fail to mention is the pace at which you will be able to GO-GO-GO. In two weeks I have gone from a peppy 28 year old to a slow moving 82 year old. Well, at least when I get off the couch, out of bed or for my multitude of visits to the loo. Instead of springing of my bum at whatever rate the situation calls for, I now have to pace myself like granny with a bad hip. It's not because I have a huge belly already or I have retained so much water weight I resemble a small home. Nope, its a little thing called round ligament pain. Every had it? If so, you know exactly what I am talking about. It is a pulling, painful sensation that occurs in my abdomen pretty much every time I stand up, walk funny or I sleep in the wrong position. The once semi-toned muscles in my stomach are beginning to expand to make room for a growing Pop Kern thus they ache. Often. Some women experience this their entire pregnancy. I have been experiencing it for the majority of my pregnancy but they have really picked up A LOT lately. Earlier in my pregnancy I didnt want to tell my doctor b/c they were not that often or severe and I didnt want him to think I was a sissy who had to tell him about every ache and pain. So now, when I get up- I look like an 82 year old trapped in a 28 year old's body. But hey, if this is the most I have to deal with for the next trimester, BRING IT ON! I can handle this much better than first trimester symptoms.
Now, let's talk about what happening now that I am in the second trimester. In the books there is all this talk about energy levels on the rise and you will be going, going, going just like your pre-pregnancy days. What they fail to mention is the pace at which you will be able to GO-GO-GO. In two weeks I have gone from a peppy 28 year old to a slow moving 82 year old. Well, at least when I get off the couch, out of bed or for my multitude of visits to the loo. Instead of springing of my bum at whatever rate the situation calls for, I now have to pace myself like granny with a bad hip. It's not because I have a huge belly already or I have retained so much water weight I resemble a small home. Nope, its a little thing called round ligament pain. Every had it? If so, you know exactly what I am talking about. It is a pulling, painful sensation that occurs in my abdomen pretty much every time I stand up, walk funny or I sleep in the wrong position. The once semi-toned muscles in my stomach are beginning to expand to make room for a growing Pop Kern thus they ache. Often. Some women experience this their entire pregnancy. I have been experiencing it for the majority of my pregnancy but they have really picked up A LOT lately. Earlier in my pregnancy I didnt want to tell my doctor b/c they were not that often or severe and I didnt want him to think I was a sissy who had to tell him about every ache and pain. So now, when I get up- I look like an 82 year old trapped in a 28 year old's body. But hey, if this is the most I have to deal with for the next trimester, BRING IT ON! I can handle this much better than first trimester symptoms.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Water Wait..Whoops!
A) Drink that much water B) Hold it for an hour (my bladder is about the size of a pea- I drink a few sips and I have to run to the loo.) And let’s not forget the real issue.. C) They weigh me every time I am there. Do they really expect me to step on a scale and let them note my weight while I have 4 glasses of water inside me? Heck, they keep it 30 degrees in that office and yet I still wear the lightest sundress possible and flip flops as not to add any extra weight to the scale. This lady is of her rocker if she thinks I'm stepping on it with a full bladder!
After serious thought (of about 15 seconds) I decided, once again, that I know my body better than the front desk lady. I devised a plan in which I will drink the water 30 minutes before I see the doctor..an hour is just uncalled for. Well, we all know once you get there, there is a 30 minute minimum waiting time. This meant, I didn’t need to drink the water until I was leaving for the doctor’s office! It's a perfect win-win for all of us! I don’t have to be miserable and worried I may have an accident on the doctor office floor and the ultra sound tech gets the full bladder she requested.
Did this happen?? Well....
Wednesday morning arrives. I drink my water as I’m walking out the door. We arrive as I am finish my water; we wait 30 minutes (just as I predicted). We go into the ultrasound room, I kind of have "the urge" but it’s not bad. I have figured this system out! I get to see my baby and my bladder doesn't feel like Mount Rushmore. The ultra sound tech squirts the warm gel on my stomach (which is the only warm thing about that doctor’s office..I say this as I go willing into the frigid doctor’s office with a sleeveless linen sundress on). The tech starts pushing down on my belly with a force I was sure to squish my Pop Kern. After a bit of difficulty finding a good picture she asks (in voice similar to that of a teacher catching a student cheating) "When did finish drinking your water?" I reply confidently "Umm..about 30 minutes ago." She immediately puts her magic baby wand away and tells me to sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes. Wait..Did I just get put in Mommy time-out?? To make matters worse, after all the pushing she did, I seriously have to pee. I cant believe she is going to make me weight another 20 minutes! Not fair! After all that planning, devising and calculating on my end..I still had to sit in the cold doctor’s office worrying about soiling their carpet for 20 minutes. Awesome London- Great Job. Needless to say, this was the longest wait to date.
She finally came back and summoned us back to the ultra sound room. I did notice she made me wait longer than 20 minutes. I bet she was in her office laughing evilly while watching me squirm uncomfortably. Once she had her fill she decided to let me out of my misery. We settled back into position with the gel and the magic baby wand to watch our little Pop Kern on the big screen. And do you know what? During the “movie” using the restroom was the furthest thing from my mind. I could have watched our little one squirm and play around in my belly all day. We saw 2 hands, 2 feet, facial profiles (such a cute nose) and heard the heart beat (165 bpm).
Mommy time-out worked like a charm. Next time I will do as the front lady tells me and drink my water earlier.
Oh, and just so you know- they weigh you after the ultra sound and bathroom break at this appointment. :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Dryer Shrunk My Favorite Jeans.
So Hal and I decided to have a little impromptu date night. It's 4:00 in the afternoon and I decide that Mellow mushroom pizza is needed and needed now. Not sure he will go for this super unhealthy request at an odd time of day I suggest afterwards doing something he can't resist..movies. He agrees and we are off to start date night with a 4:30 dinner and 6:00 movie. Going to my closet to see what I can tolerate, I decide I think I can handle a pair of cute fitted jeans. Now at work, I must let you know, I have pretty much been wearing the same 5 loose dresses for the last 3 weeks as anything on my stomach drives me bonkers. However, it's date night (and freezing in movie theaters) so I decide to give my favorite pair of jeans a night on the town. I grab them, get pulled half way up and think to myself "huh, these are a little tight..I must have dried them too long." I proceed to finish dressing in them. Still tight, they obviously need to be stretch out a bit. I do a squat and that's when I hear the worst sound known to women.."riiiiip" I look down and its what I was scared of- my favorite pair of white skinny jeans (that I found on sale)..fatally wounded. I still dont think I'm ready to admit it was ME that caused them to rip. I'm blaming it in the dryer. Instead, I put on another pair, opted to not even attempt to "stretch" this pair, tossed on my belly band (for the first time), give myself a one over in the mirror and as I looked at my baggy shirt and my belly banded jeans, I realized- things were changing. No more little black dress with a cocktail before heading out to table 16 for tuna tartar and a 9pm movie. It's comfy clothing and pizza at 4:00 in the afternoon. I tirn off the light and walk down the hall to meet my husband at the front door and that's when he says "you look beautiful". I'm no longer mad that "the dryer" shrunk my jeans.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
12 Weeks! We Made It!!
I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for the 12 week mark. I guess I have been waiting about 12 weeks now..and it's FINALLY here! I had this day all built up in my mind that I would instantly sprout a baby bump, have tons of energy, no morning sickness and a big neon sign that said "Pop Kern is now safe!" Well, there were no fireworks, no baby bump and no off the chart energy to note. In fact, I woke up this morning a bit nauseous and hungry..just like every other morning. I guess this huge milestone is more something we pregnant women build up in our mind but you know what..I'm still stoked to be here!! Even if I don't feel or look different- I know that my baby is now past the fragile stage and that in one week I will be in the second trimester. Now, hopefully when I have a morning in which I don't feel like crap, I wont be thinking "Oh no something is wrong" I can just be excited that I feel good. So go ahead ladies..celebrate that 12 week mark..We deserve it! Even if no one else knows why you're so excited.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Queso IS A Go!
I have wonderful news for all my fellow women out there! I have 3 Mexican restaurants that serve pasteurized queso dip! I don't know if you are like me but ever since I became pregnant, Mexican has been a top contender for most of my meals. However, I could never get the queso because I was worried it wasn't pasteurized. Well, Emily came to the rescue and told me that Moe's has pasteurized queso dip! YES!!! This sparked me to wonder where else could I eat? I did a little research and found out that Qdoba is safe ((proof it's good for ya)) as is Rio Grande Grill and Catina (I called the on in Oak Ridge and asked the manager- he confirmed this with confidence).
Do you know any place else that has pasteurized cheese dip? If so, let me know!!
Do you know any place else that has pasteurized cheese dip? If so, let me know!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
If I Yawn, It's Not You- It's Me.
Along with the ultrasounds, Guatemalan baby booties and excitement that comes with finding out your going to be a new mommy also comes some not so pleasant times. Nausea, fatigue, headaches and I think what may be the worst- waking up in the middle of the night, wide. awake. Here is my typical night the last 2 weeks:
Wake up at 11PM to use the bathroom
Wake up at 2AM-2:30AM because I'm wide awake and cant get comfortable
Wake up at 4AM to use the bathroom again
Wake up at 5:30AM..5:38AM..and 5:46AM (when my husband hits snooze to before going to the gym- let's not talk about how guilty I feel when he gets up to go work out and all I can do is role over and give him a kiss as we walks out the door. I'm so tired from my night that the thought of exercising makes me want to scream.
Wake up at 6:30AM to the alarm..snooze it until 7AM. Dash out of bed and get ready in 30 minutes to be at work by 8AM. I then spend the next 5 hours fighting a snooze at my desk. At 1PM I head to my parents house (it's closest to my office) for a 30 min nap and a quick bite of lunch.
I guess this is natures way of preparing me for those late nights and sleepless nights but don't you think she could have waited until maybe the 3rd trimester to teach me this lesson?
Wake up at 11PM to use the bathroom
Wake up at 2AM-2:30AM because I'm wide awake and cant get comfortable
Wake up at 4AM to use the bathroom again
Wake up at 5:30AM..5:38AM..and 5:46AM (when my husband hits snooze to before going to the gym- let's not talk about how guilty I feel when he gets up to go work out and all I can do is role over and give him a kiss as we walks out the door. I'm so tired from my night that the thought of exercising makes me want to scream.
Wake up at 6:30AM to the alarm..snooze it until 7AM. Dash out of bed and get ready in 30 minutes to be at work by 8AM. I then spend the next 5 hours fighting a snooze at my desk. At 1PM I head to my parents house (it's closest to my office) for a 30 min nap and a quick bite of lunch.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
8 Weeks and Counting..
We had our 8 week ultra sound yesterday with Dr.Taavon. Like any expecting mama, I was a nervous and excited. We went into the dark little room and the tech began to show us our little kidney bean and how much (s)he had grown. BK has a heart beat of 185 beats per minute..which is VERY strong! Most heart beats at 8 weeks are between 145 and 165! I had to ask if our little butter bean's was too fast. The tech assured me that everything was fine. Not only did we see the heart beat, we also heard the heartbeat! It was amazing! The sound of our baby's heart and knowing that there really is a little bundle of love in my belly made me cry. It's just amazing. BK is measuring at 1.6cm which is just perfect for his (or her) age. I really enjoy our trips to the doctor, something I never thought I would say! I'm ready for our 12 week ultra sound now to see how much little BK has grown!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Plans Are Like Hershey Bars..made for Breaking
Quick recap- on Tuesday I found out we were expecting. Tuesday night I told Hal. Wednesday I was supposed to have pedicures with mom and NOT tell her the great news. Longest pedi ever!! I wanted to tell so bad but I knew I had to wait until Hal and Dad were present. So I made plans to do dinner with my parents on Thursday night. I asked if Dad was going to be able to join and mom said "Well, he has to get the grass cut but hopefully he can eat with us" So, as you can see, telling the family was not going to be as easy as one would hope.
We get to their house for dinner and I have inside my purse a big chocolate candy bar. My mom is a chocolate fanatic. The biggest drawer in her office has been given the sole responsibility of holding all of her chocolate. Attached to the big chocolate bar in my purse is a note that says "I thought you might like a LITTLE something SWEET around the house... slide cover off chocolate bar." My thought is to give her the chocolate and with the note and when she slides the cover off it will reveal a note that says " On January 17, 2012 you are going to be grandparents!" Well, plans must be made for breaking because that is exactly what she did! I know it must have seemed odd that I was giving her a chocolate bar before dinner, I mean, why not just wait until after? But she prepared some items that I could not eat now that I was pregnant. So, she had to open the bar now so I could explain why I wasnt eating something. I gave her the bar. She glanced at it, said thanks and sat it down. My heart sank a little. She is not following the directions!!! So a moment later I said "did you read the note?" Mom replied "Yes, I did" and kept fixing dinner. I said "Well, did you read all of it?" She said "London , I am trying to get dinner on the table! I will read it in a few moments!" Not giving up, I said "Will you just read it real quick?" With a little resistance, she picked up the chocolate bar, read the entire note again and FINALLY followed the directions. She slid the cover back and immediately screamed aloud with excitement. I dont think Dad even had to read the chocolate bar to figure out what just happened After everyone gave hugs and kisses we finished getting dinner ready and on the table. Dad said a sweet blessing and prayed for our new bun in the oven. It was such a special night. I'm glad mom finally did what I asked!
Crying Wolf
We all know Hal didnt follow my amazing plan to tell him the big news and that Mom doesn't follow directions too well, either. However, I still had high hopes that the Kern's would play right into our plan. Hal came up with a brilliant plan. I really thought it was going to be fool proof. We were going to the beach with Hal's parents, sister and her family and had devised a marvelous plan were we would say we were taking a family portrait and then right before the camera fired, Hal would yell "London's pregnant!" then we would capture everyones excitement and surprise on film. Well, you guessed it, that did not go as planned.
It was Saturday morning and we were all sitting on the deck chatting. No one had showered or fixed their hair but we decided to go ahead and get everyone to get a picture. The Kern's and Sullivan's thought it was a little odd that we wanted a family picture at 10AM pre-shower but were great sports and went along with it. I had the camera all set up and ready to go and Micah heads inside with Ella. A few minutes later Hal notices Ella is not around and asks where she is. Laura informs us that Ella was about to go down for her nap. Hal says "well, can we keep her up?" Laura replied "Well, I would rather not" Hal pretty much insists that we get Ella, so that we can get a family picture in which none of us have on fresh clothes or fixed hair, still, everyone goes along with it! What troopers!
After Ella comes back out, we all gather around to do a practice shot. I set the camera on rapid succession so that it will take 10 pictures in a row. Practice shot goes well and we are now ready for the big event. Hal and I are smiling at each other with excitement. I press the self timer button, run over to the family and we wait for the red light to signal the camera is about to start flashing. Red light appears and Hal yells "London's Pregnant!!" Flashes go off once- No one is moving. Everyone is still looking at the camera with practiced smiles on their face. Flash two and three go off- Hal and I have now turned with huge smiles on our face to see the expression of everyone. Flash four and five go off- we see no expressions of excitement, just slightly confused looks on every ones face. Flash six and seven go off- Laura is looking at Hal and I as to say "Hal, are you serious? I'm really confused right now." After the last flash finally goes off, everyone turns to Hal immediately and says "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" We reply "YES! We are due January 17th!" They all scream with excitement and then say "Hal we didn't believe you! We thought you were just joking around, trying to say something to make us smile!!" Apparently, Hal is quite the jokster and his family doesn't believe him all the time because he is always pulling their leg with something. Guess he cried wolf too much in the past!

It was Saturday morning and we were all sitting on the deck chatting. No one had showered or fixed their hair but we decided to go ahead and get everyone to get a picture. The Kern's and Sullivan's thought it was a little odd that we wanted a family picture at 10AM pre-shower but were great sports and went along with it. I had the camera all set up and ready to go and Micah heads inside with Ella. A few minutes later Hal notices Ella is not around and asks where she is. Laura informs us that Ella was about to go down for her nap. Hal says "well, can we keep her up?" Laura replied "Well, I would rather not" Hal pretty much insists that we get Ella, so that we can get a family picture in which none of us have on fresh clothes or fixed hair, still, everyone goes along with it! What troopers!
After Ella comes back out, we all gather around to do a practice shot. I set the camera on rapid succession so that it will take 10 pictures in a row. Practice shot goes well and we are now ready for the big event. Hal and I are smiling at each other with excitement. I press the self timer button, run over to the family and we wait for the red light to signal the camera is about to start flashing. Red light appears and Hal yells "London's Pregnant!!" Flashes go off once- No one is moving. Everyone is still looking at the camera with practiced smiles on their face. Flash two and three go off- Hal and I have now turned with huge smiles on our face to see the expression of everyone. Flash four and five go off- we see no expressions of excitement, just slightly confused looks on every ones face. Flash six and seven go off- Laura is looking at Hal and I as to say "Hal, are you serious? I'm really confused right now." After the last flash finally goes off, everyone turns to Hal immediately and says "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" We reply "YES! We are due January 17th!" They all scream with excitement and then say "Hal we didn't believe you! We thought you were just joking around, trying to say something to make us smile!!" Apparently, Hal is quite the jokster and his family doesn't believe him all the time because he is always pulling their leg with something. Guess he cried wolf too much in the past!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Will We Ever Have A Blueberry??
Shortly after our trip to the beach, I became concerned that my pregnancy symptom (yes, just one symptom) had stopped. Up until the beach trip my boobs had been just a tiny bit sore. Now, nothing. Nadda. Zip. So I decided to call the doctor and get their opinion. They had me take another at home pregnancy test to confirm I was still pregnant. I was more nervous taking that test then I was taking the one to find out if we were pregnant! It said positive so I followed the doctors orders and came on in. I love my Doctor, Dr.Taavon, b/c he doesnt make you feel like you are being a paranoid crazy lady for freaking out over everything. He was great, he told me he was glad I came in and that I should always follow my instincts. I was secretly hoping they would do an ultrasound but I didnt want to over step my boundaries by asking for one. Luckily, he asked if I would mind doing one. We were able to see the heartbeat!! It was nice and strong at 112 beats per minute, said the tech. By this point we were all assuming I was 7 weeks along. I was so excited to be done 6 weeks because at seven weeks our little sesame seed became a blueberry! I liked how big he was going to be that week- I felt that was quite a substantial growth. Dr.Taavon, though, told me that we were going to have to be a sesame seed for another week because our little seed was only measuring 6 weeks. This was concerning because there is a 5% chance that our baby is developing slowly. Hal, of course knew he had to point out to his worrisome wife that this means there is a 95% that everything is just fine. So for two weeks we have been a sesame seed and I have been trying not to worry too much. This is not fun because I had already read all about week 6 developments, changes and growths. For a whole week I had nothing new to explore and find out about our baby. I just had to re-read week 6. Luckily, yesterday marked week 7 and our little apple seed is finally a blueberry! We go back on the 13th of June for another ultrasound. I cant wait to see how much (s)he has grown!

Monday, May 23, 2011
Don't Make The Pregnant Woman Cry..Especially If She Is Your Wife.
All day at work I thought about how I would tell my husband the good news that we were expecting a little Kern. I decided to get a bottle of champagne and some ginergale for me (since vino is now out of the picture). I redesigned the label on the champagne to read on the front "Do not open until January 17, 2010" (yep- in the excitement of my plan, I accidentally typed 2010, not 2012) and on the back to say "You're going to be a Daddy!" My goal was to be sitting at home enjoying a glass of wine (aka ginerale) when my husband got home. I would then casually ask him to pour me another glass and when he went to the fridge to grab the bottle, he would see the surprise!
Needless to say, things did not go as planned. I rush home to get everything ready only to learn that he has an event that night that has been planned and he cannot get out of. No big deal, I tell myself, he will be home around 7:30PM and I can surprise him then. 7:30PM comes and I get a text message "gonna grab a beer with the guys real quick..cool?" I panic but manage to calmly reply "No, I would really like for you to come home if you don't mind. I have a surprise for you." Radio Silence. No response. No phone call. No nothing. 8:15PM rolls around and I know he had to be ignoring me. I call him and he doest answer. I text him and he doesn't answer. 30 minutes later I call him again and he answers. He is most definitely in the bar. I am crying and yelling at this point telling him how I never ask him not to do something but this one time I asked him to come home and he blatantly ignored me. I mean, I laid into him. I told him to set his beer down immediately and leave right this minute. (He now knows not to make a pregnant woman cry... especially if she is your wife). I didn't tell him why he should have listened to me, only that if I ask him to do something, he needs to listen. He came home about 15 minutes later to me sitting on the couch, in my pj's and pissed. He said "So what's the surprise? (pretty sure he thought it was going to be lingerie so seeing me in pj's was not in line with his expectation). I said "The surprise is in the fridge if you care" he said "Well I don't want it now that your mad" I replied "OOH you're going to get it alright" I walked over the fridge grabbed the bottle and threw it at him in the chair. I screamed "I'm pregnant- I hope your happy!.. Oh, and I'm five weeks!" and stormed off in the biggest tantrum I could throw. I slammed the bathroom door shut and anxiously awaited to see how he would react. I tried to cry loudly to show just how mad I was but deep down I was excited that he now knew and I wanted to see his reaction. He knocked on the door. I unlocked it and sat back in the corner. He came in and was beaming from ear to ear. He gave me a huge hug. I tried to be mad but a huge smile escaped as we hugged it out. The rest was history.. I did manage to get flowers the next day for it.
Needless to say, things did not go as planned. I rush home to get everything ready only to learn that he has an event that night that has been planned and he cannot get out of. No big deal, I tell myself, he will be home around 7:30PM and I can surprise him then. 7:30PM comes and I get a text message "gonna grab a beer with the guys real quick..cool?" I panic but manage to calmly reply "No, I would really like for you to come home if you don't mind. I have a surprise for you." Radio Silence. No response. No phone call. No nothing. 8:15PM rolls around and I know he had to be ignoring me. I call him and he doest answer. I text him and he doesn't answer. 30 minutes later I call him again and he answers. He is most definitely in the bar. I am crying and yelling at this point telling him how I never ask him not to do something but this one time I asked him to come home and he blatantly ignored me. I mean, I laid into him. I told him to set his beer down immediately and leave right this minute. (He now knows not to make a pregnant woman cry... especially if she is your wife). I didn't tell him why he should have listened to me, only that if I ask him to do something, he needs to listen. He came home about 15 minutes later to me sitting on the couch, in my pj's and pissed. He said "So what's the surprise? (pretty sure he thought it was going to be lingerie so seeing me in pj's was not in line with his expectation). I said "The surprise is in the fridge if you care" he said "Well I don't want it now that your mad" I replied "OOH you're going to get it alright" I walked over the fridge grabbed the bottle and threw it at him in the chair. I screamed "I'm pregnant- I hope your happy!.. Oh, and I'm five weeks!" and stormed off in the biggest tantrum I could throw. I slammed the bathroom door shut and anxiously awaited to see how he would react. I tried to cry loudly to show just how mad I was but deep down I was excited that he now knew and I wanted to see his reaction. He knocked on the door. I unlocked it and sat back in the corner. He came in and was beaming from ear to ear. He gave me a huge hug. I tried to be mad but a huge smile escaped as we hugged it out. The rest was history.. I did manage to get flowers the next day for it.
Two Lines Are Better Than One..
Tuesday morning, May 17, I decide to take a pregnancy test. Aunt flow had been making her appearances quite irregularly and with her now a week over due, I decided to put my mind at ease and confirm she would soon be here. I did what any gal would do and I took a pregnancy test..before rushing out the door for my (already late) work day. I followed the directions, glanced at it and didn't seem to be anything suspect so I went to feed the dogs. I came back a few minutes later expecting to toss it in the trash bin and go on my way. Well, that didn't happen. I saw TWO lines instead of the expected one line. I stood in shock and excitement and just stared at it. And starred at it. And starred at it. I had to text a picture to Emily for confirmation and yep, she agreed, I was definitely pregnant. Now next thing on the agenda- tell husband then parents, in that order. I went to work that Tuesday morning and should have won world's worst employee for that day b/c I did nothing but figure out how I was going to tell my husband.
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